Monday, June 18, 2012

Are plans really our expectations?

Life is so interesting isn't it?  You really just never know for sure which way it may take you.  One morning fairly recently I woke and decided to jump in the shower.  For me the shower is not only a time for physically cleaning myself but it can be helpful in helping me to mentally cleans my mind and wake up/unwind.  Only problem is since kids my showers these days (ok let me be honest... if I get them) are often rushed or I have a kid in there with me and well that leaves very little opportunity for the previously stated.  When sharing the shower I just do what I got to do before the shampoo bottles are emptied or the bar of soap ends up under my feet.  I love that Eloise loves the shower and it is often a time saver from having to fill up the tub, for a bath for her, but sometimes as a person you just need those short intervals of time when you can be in your own space.    Alright back on track.  
I was in the shower and I was going through my usual thoughts of what I needed/wanted to get done that day and trying to reorganize, wake up, and collect myself.  Then all of a sudden in my mental rambling, BAM there is this huge stop sign in front of me. That shut me up, well mentally anyway and I just went about my hair washing.  After a good rinse, the mental chatter started up again in my head, saying...  "Why do you put expectation and set these silly must do's for your day?"  "Just accept the fact you don't know what to expect and go with it."  OK.... OK... I say to myself that makes sense just do what I can forget the rest it'll wait.  So the rest of my shower was spent in wonder of what unknown was going to come up for me that day.  I knew not to try and over think it.  I knew better than to try and hypothesis what it would be.  Frankly to be honest it was way to early in the morning for me to enter in that that kind of deep thought.  I just knew my day would be great whatever it turned out to be, and low and behold it was, a good day, nothing to extraordinary, just usual stuff, but I had a different perspective on my day and the ordinary was good.   Alright I'm not being totally honest here, most of my day was business as usual but the last part of my day was energizing.  I got to spend some impromptu time with my family, while at the same time viewing the Transit of Venus.  The best part was this all took place right in my own backyard.  
I suppose what I'm trying to get at here is it is all about perspective.  If we put expectations and plans on to many things then we can miss out on the real rewards and gifts of our day.  We can overlook the beauty of those moments we share with others, or the importance of the solitude we have with ourselves.  So I try to wake up expecting for the day to shift into what God's plan is for my day, and when those curve balls are thrown then it just makes them that much easier to catch.