Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Here I Am

As you can see I've decided to start a blog.  I have no idea where this is coming from but here I am.  This is an off the wall idea I had last night while cleaning my floors after the kids and hubby were in bed.  This will be an interesting adventure since I know very little about blogging and read very few blogs myself.
So why am I doing this you ask.  Well frankly I have no clue but it seemed liked a thing to try.  I am living the American dream.  I am a stay at home mom of two children, a son, daughter and a dog.  I have a loving and supportive husband that wakes up every morning and heads off to his corporate job where his personal space is limited to a cubical .
After considering all this I think to myself, what possibly could I have to share with others to entertain them or impart some of tidbit of information onto to them that they don't already know.  Well frankly I don't know, but I feel I'm supposed share, so here I am.
My son is a remarkAbel (misspelled on purpose), child.  He was diagnosed with Zellweger's syndrome when he was about 6 months old.  Average life expectancy for a child with his condition is 6 months to a year.  My little guy has proven to be my miracle child.  He is now two and a half.  There is so much I can get into with Abel and his care but I will not just now.  Abel however, is quite a boy and already taught me a life time of lessons, in every kind of avenue you can imagine.  The boy is the most pure representation of love you can find here on earth.
My daughter is my pixie child, strong, always happy and living in the moment just the way a kid should. Eloise has an amazing spirit that can fill a room and she can turn anything into an instant party.  This spirit makes it nearly impossible correct poor behavior with a straight face.  Despite all this she is a kid with a strong need for personal space whose trust has to be earned.
Obviously, like with all kids, I could go on forever, about their distinct personalities and all their wonderful little individual traits that makes them who they are, but I'm going to try and keep things brief for now.

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