Monday, December 12, 2011

Living in the Moment

Busy times for all of us with the holidays here in the blink of an eye.  If you are like me you think you're done or almost done with that last bit of shopping and then remember something else you need to do or get for someone.  The holidays usually mean a time of busy, busy, busy and stress to make sure you get to everyone you need to.  However, this year is different for me.  Yes I'm still doing last minute shopping stuff, but the here and there and everywhere is not stressing me out.  I've living in the moment! Doing this has allowed for me to experience the magic of Christmas in a whole new way this year.  I'm actually loving it and saying to myself I will get those gifts wrapped when it's time and if not well then I will just stuff them in brown paper or plastic bags, and  present them from under the tree on a pillow.  Yes I agree the wrapping is pretty and the bows make it look over the top, but I'm not going to turn my hair any grayer than it already is trying to make sure it's done to idealized perfection.  I'm not lazy really I'm just practical.  After all we all have paths and journeys to take and right now I'm getting a full dose of living in the moment.  The only time we have is NOW.  Yesterday will always be yesterday and tomorrow will always be tomorrow, but NOW will always be Now.  The moment and living in it takes me fantastic places and is providing me with magical haze around all I'm doing.  Sure I theorize about what to do next and try to make plans and aim for things but I'm not going to force anything if it doesn't work out then oh well it will another time in a different moment.  Lately things have just been falling into place all around me.  I'm sure it's because I'm following my heart, and it's allowing things to just be what they are supposed to be when they are supposed to be.  So I suppose all this rambling should come to some sort of point.  So here it is... Live in the moment just do what you are being called to do and don't fight it or try and schedule it and amazing things can happen for you too.  Having no expectations sometimes is great, because when things turn into magic, you are free to enjoy that magic for what it is.

Oh and one more thing remember with me the gifts are a part of Christmas but the biggest part of Christmas is the Celebration of Life!

 I'm not sure if I'm going to have a moment for another post before the "official holiday dates" are here so in case I don't I want to wish all of you A Very Merry Christmas filled with Love, Peace, and Joy, in your whole being in all you do to celebrate in the magnificence of Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Well said Aly! It is too easy to get caught up in the stress of the holidays and not really enjoy them. Merry Christmas!!
